2015/05 - 2016/04
Hasler Foundation, EyeWalker: Ultralight lowcost clipable vision system for mobility aids, No. 11083. Principal investigator: Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2014/10 - 2016/09
Emotional and aesthetic highlights detection in movies, Nr. 205121-153239. Principal investigator: Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
Joint project between the University of Geneva and Princeton University: Small codes for large systems: information-theoretic privacy preserving content identification. Principal investigator from the University of Geneva: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva. Principal investigator from Princeton Geneva: Prof. E. Abbe.
2013/05 - 2016 /04
Swiss National Science Foundation, MAAYA: Multimedia Analysis and Access for Documentation and Decipherment of Maya Epigraphy, Nr. 144238. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2013/10 - 2017/10
KEYSTONE: semantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs, COST Action IC 1302. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2013/04 - 2014/09
Swiss National Science Foundation, Active content fingerprinting for protection of digital media and physical objects, Nr. 200020-146379. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva.
2013/01 - 2015/06
CTI project: Research and development of verification system based on digital fingerprint of microstructure images, together with U-Nica, SA. Project manager and coordinator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva.
2012/06 - 2014/05
SeeColor II: Seing colours with an orchestra II, No. 200020-140392. Principal investigators: Dr. G. Bologna and Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2012/5 - 2015/4
Hasler Foundation, EyeWalker: Ultralight lowcost clipable vision system for mobility aids, Nr. 11083. Principal investigator: Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2011/09 – 2015/03
Swiss-Polish project (SR125/2010) New perspectives on intelligent multimedia management with applications in medicine and privacy protecting systems. Principal Swiss investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva.
2011/04 – 2013/03
Swiss National Science Foundation, Information-theoretic identification in large-scale databases, Nr. 200020-134595. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva.
2011/04 – 2013/03
Swiss National Science Foundation, Nano- and micro-structure identification based on controllable randomness, Nr. 200021-132337. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva.
2011/09 - 2013/08
Affective computing and emotion awareness in computer-mediated interaction. Principal investigator: Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2010/11 - 2014/11
MUMIA: Multilingual and multifaceted interactive information access COST Action 1002. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2009/04 - 2011/02
Swiss National Science Foundation, “Emotion-driven personalized content-based multimedia management”, Nr. 200020-124774/1. Principal investigator: Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2009/04 - 2011/04
Swiss National Science Foundation, “SwiftLink: Machine Learning Strategies for Adaptive Multimedia Navigation” Nr. 200021-119906. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2009/03 - 2011/02
Swiss National Science Foundation, “Secure unclonable identification/authentication codes based on natural randomness” Nr. 200021-119770. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2008/10 - 2010/10
Swiss National Science Foundation, "Collection Guide: Large scale multimedia information management” Nr. 200020-121842. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2008/11 - 2010/9
Swiss National Science Foundation, “Multimodal fusion for information processing and understanding” Nr. 200021-122036. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2008/10 - 2010/08
Swiss National Science Foundation, “SReliable and secure forensic authentification based on random projections and distributed coding” Nr. 200020-121635. Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2008/03 - 2011/09
Petamedia, Peer-to-Peer Tagged Media (PetaMedia) is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme. First FP7 call ICT-2007.1.5.
2007/04 - 2008/12
Swiss National Science Foundation, Information-theoretic framework for documents and brands protection based on digital data-hiding, extension of Professor Boursier project (career grant).Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2007/03 - 2009/02
Swiss National Science Foundation, “Emotion-driven personalized content-based multimedia management”, Nr. 200021-113274/1. Principal investigator: Prof. Thierry Pun, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2006/10 - 2008/09
Swiss National Science Foundation, “Collection Guide: Large Scale Multimedia Information Management”, Nr. 200021-109377. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2006/05 - 2008/10
MultiMATCH: Multilingual/Multimedia Access To Cultural Heritage - IST-FP6-STREP Nr. 033104 - 2.5.10 Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources.
2005/10 - 2008/09
SeeColor - Seing colours with an orchestra, Swiss Hasler Foundation, Project MMI 1968. Principal investigator: Prof. M. Vinckenbosch, Geneva University of Applied Sciences.
2003/12 - 2007/11
SIMILAR - Seamless integrated multimodal interfaces for learning and augmenting communication in the real world: The European taskforce in future human-machine interfaces research, FP6 - IST Priority Call 1 2002- “Multimodal interfaces”, No. IST-2002-507.602. SIMILAR
2004/02 - 2008/01
ECRYPT - European network of excellence in cryptology, FP6 - IST Priority Call 1 2002- “Toward a global dependability and security framework”, No. IST-2002-507.932.
2003/04 - 2007/03
Swiss National Science Foundation, Stochastic detection of hidden data, Professor Boursier (career grant). Principal investigator: Prof. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2002/03 - 2005/02
European Union research project: M4 - Multimodal meeting manager, IST Program, Nr. 2001-34485.
2002/10 - 2006/09
SNF project: “Intelligent Multimedia Descrition Authoring Framework”, No. 2100-066648.01. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Marchand-Maillet, Computer Science Dpt., University of Geneva.
2002/03 - 2004/02
European Union research project: WebKit - Intuitive physical interfaces to the WWW, IST PRogram, Nr. 2001-34171.
2003/01 - 2004/02
Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI): CRYMEDA-SA - A CRYstal Marking based Encryption and Document Authentication Security Architecture for brand protection. No. CTI-6023.2 EUS.
2001/12 - 2005/11
Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (IM)2 - Interactive Multimodal Information Management.
2002/01 - 2003/12
SNF project: “Generalized stochastic image modeling for image denoising, restoration and compression”, No. 2100-064837.01. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Voloshynovskiy, Computer Science Dpt., Univ. of Geneva.
2000/11 - 2002/03
Swiss Virtual Campus Initiative: member of the consortium Computers for Health, Nr. 991024, modules “Basic use of informatics”, “Medical imaging”, “Advanced medical imaging”.
2000/04 - 2001/10
Private grant from DCT - Digital Copyright Technologies, for the study of digital watermarking techniques.
2000/04 - 2002/09
European IST Project “Certimark: Certification for watermarking techniques ”.
1999/07 - 2001/12
Private grant from the Association pour le Bien des Aveugles for the Study and development of a multimedia server for the Geneva Braille and audio library. In cooperation with the Objects Systems Research Group of Profs. D. Tsichritzis and D. Konstantas.
1996/04 - 2002/03
FNRS (2100-045581.95), “Image archival and retrieval for multimedia databases based on exploratory statistics and geometrical invariants”.
1997/11 - 2000/04
European ESPRIT OMI (Open Microprocessor systems Initiative) Project “JEDI-FIRE: JAVA Extensive Software Defined Internetworking - Flexible Electronic Commerce Firewall and Data Privacy”. Our role in this project concerns multimedia documents watermarking.
1997/09 - 2000/03
Swiss Priority Research Program in Computer Science (5003-51321), “AB-Web: Active audio Internet browser for visually impaired and blind users”.
1995/09 - 1998/02
European ACTS project 0086, “DVP - Distributed Video Production” , which includes GMD (coordinator, Germany), European national television broadcasters (IRT, RAI, TSR, BBC, MegaChannel), several private companies, a music research center, the University of Toronto, NCSA-University of Illinois. Our role in this project concerns the content-based archival and retrieval of digital videos. Swiss contribution, shared with the Objects Systems Research Group of Profs. D. Tsichritzis and D. Konstantas.
1996/04 - 1998/03
FNRS (2100-045699.95), “Neural networks for visual information processing: computational models and electrophysiological validation”.
1996/04 - 1999/12
Swiss Priority Research Program for Information and Communication Structures (5003-45334), “KryPict: - A software environment for copyrighting, authenticating, archiving and retrieving pictorial documents in multimedia databases”. (Part of the consortium “MEDIA: Mobile electronic documents with interacting agents” (5003- 45332)).
1994/10 - 1996/09
FNRS (20-40239.94), “Unsupervised machine learning for computer vision”.
1993/01 - 1995/12
Swiss Priority Research Program in Computer Science (5003-034278), “Knowledge representation and asynchronous processing for a versatile computer vision system”.
1992/10 - 1994/09
FNRS(20-33467.92), “Automated supervised learning of visual concepts for computer vision”.
1990/01 - 1994/12
Swiss National Research Program 23 “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” (4023-27036), project “Computer interpretation of complex tridimensional scenes, with application to the visual guidance of industrial robots”.
1989/10 - 1992/09
FNRS (20-26475.89), “Model-based computer vision”.
1988/01 - 1989/09
FNRS (20-5602.88), “Color 3D computer vision”.
The Computer Vision Group has also been a partner in other grants from the FNRS.